Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Quote To Ponder

"There never was a good war, or a bad peace."

Benjamin Franklin
I'm not so sure...


Blogger Jeffrey J. Stables said...

I agree, Abi. Also, I think this quote confuses "war = bad" with "war is never an answer." (It's the difference between those who recognize the sometimes necessary evils of war and anti-war hippies who think that love and peace will magically disarm the enemies of freedom in this cursed world.) Now, since sin is now in the world, war can be good. It's the reason we need war/death (sin) that's bad. Good vs. evil is not a bad war, is it? What about the war that Michael and the angels wage spiritually against the powers of darkness? (Would it really be a "good peace" if they just stopped? God's purpose in eradicating evil would not be served, then.) This is why the Old Testament is full of God's people waging war against His enemies--it's for His glory! It's part of "redeeming the time" (Ephesians 5:16)--taking even what's bad in this world and using it for God's glory.

What, you want another post so soon? Well, you did post twice in two days. Not bad, not bad. I'll try...

2:56 PM, September 28, 2005  

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